Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve

It is a rainy, cold dreary day here in Charlotte. But...that does not hold back the good times that the evening will hold. Looking forward to spending time with friends and celebrating Christmas and New Years.

Very thankful for this long break that we have had from school. It is always good to go back to MO and see my family. I was even able to meet up with a high school friend at Panera's and catching up with her.

The offices at Nightlight are going to be closed until the 3rd, so no news. I sent out a care package today to Jamie Hedges and her family to take over to Yosef in January. They will be traveling at the end of the month. I have learned alot from their process.

I pray that this year holds new and exciting adventures for me and my friends. May God's blessings be ever so evident in our daily walk. Let all that we say and do glorify Him, our creator and maker of all things.


Lyra Johnson said...

I think our babies were in the same room at Hope. There was a Yosef with huge eyes about 7 or 8 months old. We spent a lot of time with him as he and our daughter were "best friends" as the nannies put it. Email me at

Gina said...

Kate! It is exciting to meet you. We will have to get in touch and talk about our little ones. Your daughter is so cute! It looks like Yosef loves her new shoes. :) I sent you an email a few minutes ago. Looking forward to connecting. Have a happy new year!