Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

I am in MO. visiting with mom and family and it is nasty out here. It has been raining all day. We have the forecast of snow for Christmas, but the weather has to get more frightful before that will happen.

I heard news from my agency that Shimeliss is coming home to celebrate the holiday with his family. We were never able to get ahold of him and find out the status on Yoseph. I did receive some more pictures of him these last two weekends. Wow he has grown. I think his eyes are getting bigger with each picture. He turned 8 months old on the 22nd. Doesn't seem like I have been waiting for 7 months to hear something about a court date, but that is the time frame.

HOPE. I keep it at the front of my mind all the time. What are you hoping for this Christmas? May God bless all of you and your families as you spend time focusing on the Savior. Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Paula said...

We have plenty of frightful weather here in Nebraska! We barely made it home from church this evening. Hoping you hear good news about adorable Yosesph soon. Merry Christmas!