Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Break

Here I am circling my wins and crossing out my losses. Yes, I am talking about my bracket for March madness. I am in MO for the week visiting with my family. I just sent my mom off with my sister today to go to Fla. to visit the rest of my family. My day is going to consist of sitting infront of the tv and watching basketball.

There is no news on the adoption front. I did email my person today to see if she had heard anything. Just hurry up and wait, right? It is getting time for the referral to happen. The timing needs to happen soon so that I will have the summer to get sorted out. Whatever that means.

Here's to hopin' that the Heels go all the way!

1 comment:

Paula said...

Hi Gina, I just found your blog... we're a Carolina Hope family too. We are adopting twin girls if we ever pass court. Good luck, hope you get a referral soon. May I also add GO BOILERMAKERS!