Sunday, January 23, 2011

Change of plans

Had another baby shower yesterday thrown by my friends in my neighborhood. We had such a good time, but I think it was just a little too much for Samuel. This morning he woke up with a very warm body. By the time I got his temp taken, it was higher than what I thought it should be, so change in plans.

Yep, today was going to be our first time to attend the "Warehouse" as my friend calls it. Those of us who are old school would call it Children's church. I will forever be old school when it comes to this. :0) So instead we took some meds and have been following the dog around all morning. Raps will sleep well tonight!

No matter how bad Samuel feels, he always has time to jump. This kid loves to jump up and down. He has alot of rhythm in his body. We went to get pics taken yesterday at the mall and I get to go check them out today at 2:00. Looking forward to seeing just what they captured. I feel like I should have been paid though. I did more jump around then the lady did. By the end of the time he was in tears, because she had taken a ball away from him. Oh the drama... I was ready to leave, needless to say. :)

Look forward to some updated pics. By the way, if we are friends on facebook, I just upload some pics from my trip to go pick him up. God is perfect!


Paula said...

He is so cute. Hope he is feeling better.

Amy said...

Hi Gina,
Yes I am. Did you use them as well? Your little guy is adorable!