Saturday, July 26, 2008

July 26th 2008

Here I am at SeaBrook Island with my nieces for the weekend and have managed to start a blog page. After much talk about creating one, I just managed to fall upon this one. I have received all of the paper work from Carolina Hope Adoption Agency. This weekend I have spent reading and initialing all of the items required by their agency. I feel like the hectic journey is about to begin.

I have my last home study visit on July 30th, which will be the home visit. Deb, my niece, has changed out all of my outlets. The house is officially baby proofed. Are we getting the cart before the horse? I am sure we are...I tend to plan ahead of time. Way ahead.

I have enjoyed reading blogs this weekend from many families who are adopting from Ethiopia. I feel like I learn a little more each time I sign on. Thank you friends and family for your support. God has blessed me with a wonderful support system. Peace...

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